Friday, March 15, 2013

She buried the Truth

Email from Dad: 

Subject: Start Reading or die one messed up person forever! 

"Hello Dear, Got doctor info! They said brains on children don't finish developing until your 25 and the front part is the last part to and that is where you make your decisions and have the right aweariness and feeling comes in on things correctly, like how you can put things together! I talked to tons of girls and everyone of them said they were half nuts until they were in there late twenty's! Out of All of these girls they can't be wrong or you going thru anything differently. I also know and see what your mom has done to you what you seem to want to be in denial about especially since you been doing and going in such the wrong way as it throws you into denial and want to make it everyone but you that's messed up! I admit I'm messed up but you don't think you are, atleast I'm always trying, you just run and hide making things turn horrific! Until you admit it is only when you will start to come out of it! What is lost in the mean time is going to be a horrible thing your going to carry with you for the rest of your life! Things like that can be unbearable at times! I'm a grown up, I know and see it all and what it does to girls and guy who mess up family because only family is all that matters in the end! Especially when you mess with who is more to you than just family but flesh and blood as I am and your brother. That's like hating your self and that leads to gut pain, even cancer that you might seem to be out there but it's Not! There are tons of things you are still for from knowing or even understanding and if you throw away your parents who normally will be the only ones who have a chance to guild you in the right direction and can tell you the truth about things that will help you Tremendously in life! But when it comes to your mom, she can't be truthful or help you in anyway when it comes to your dad or dads as she has failed repeatedly in relationships plus you have the, she can only be out to save face when it comes to your daddy! So that takes away a whole lot out of your life that you can never get right from your mom! I admire how you still want to love her but denial is the worst thing you can ever do
! that means your an enabler! The worst thing to be if you ever seen anything about solving drug addicts that also goes with tons of things in life as they all should be dealt with similarly? Enablers keeps the wrong actions happening and not stopping them in there tracts so there can be a turnaround, a new sense of direction that things need to start going towards to ever have a good out come! You need to trust your Dad, know he will only be their for you and trying to be the most caring to help you with doing the right things for us to come together as we should. You always do what everyone who also been deceived or is out to save face people says and let them manipulate you by horrible advice or lies they been led by and defiantly no God's will in any of it I've seen! No loving caring sane person would Ever tell you to do the things you have gone by! Do I have to wait until your brain is done developing at 25 and then it starts to come together and make sense in your head and you missed out on everything and your brother is way older and by then he will probably change as your the one who never cared, missed all his birthdays and was just shity as can be to me, you twos Dad! He loves me more than anyone as you I would hoped to have and would be also if your mom didn't lie to you your whole life and even gave me half a chance! First Your mom ruined your life and now she got you to follow suite! Quit being just like her, building the same type of cold blooded personality where you can dump your only brother and father never could be sicker and how it will look in the end if you let it all go. Just as dads you said looked bad for not showing up and you never got into it to really know what was the root of the reason that can be complicated and relate to many things you don't even have a clue about yet at your age but I know one thing! You only look like a horrible person right now by all the lies you've said and dumping us left and right and then act like I'm messed up person, not that realizing what your doing is messing me up horribly especially by keeping this huge lie going on your mom put in you to make you act this was and your brian is not even capable of thinking right or putting things together correctly without help and you been ruined against the only one who ever could as I am the only ones who even know or admits to the truth of everything your mom is even in denial about and never possibly will even want to even admit to her self what she did as she buried the truth a long time ago and made all new lies to her self to go by so she never feels bad for what she knows deep down of what and why she did it that talking to me only messes up in her so she can never talk to me right if she never apologizes to me and gets a forgiveness! Let me help US, we are all victims of your moms bad decision and selfishness that you shouldn't ever have a problem realizing she has a problem with and if you don't your going to end up being the same , probably worse than her and never be able to get along with any man for long. If you can throw away your brother and dad that proves you can never do what it takes to keep a man and have a good relationship. Please let me help you in that and reintegrate you into your family! Love Dad"

-March 14, 2013 6:40PM

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