Friday, March 15, 2013

My one sheep lost it's way Bad

Email from Dad: 

Subject: Gifted Honors report!

"It was really nice. You talked about being in government and could have been with us as the lobbyist for the gifted children's association took us all around to meet a bunch of them personally! You sure know how to miss out on everything & everyones including your own! We sat in on a session of government and got to meet the speaker of the house when he was done plus a bunch of others as we went around to all their offices and got introduced! Your brother came in third on essays they wrote on being a gifted child! They read the best ones and boy did they hit home with me! I grew up in the day they didn't understand gifted kids. One kid in his an other's were about how miss understood they are and even quit school because of that an how horribly boring school can be for one and that sure was me! Well I also had the scared to death of all the prejudice blacks to contend with and the life of nightmares to follow! Something u seem to blow off as I don't have Good reason for & make me the prejudice one because I don't like the prejudice ones?? Another oxymoron of yours! Essays said a lot about how you can only feel right around the same type people,  other smart kids,  family here as I bet yours never understood much plus was probably hurt by them being very jealous of you at times? My family was a very jealous and mean at times to me one and not understanding at all most of the time Actually made me out to being something wrong with. Those essays were all about that. I think of me and know how messed up I've been by jealous dumb assess basically an know u probably had to be miss understood a lot. U mentioned something to the contrary once and I tried to tell you how important it really was for u to get to know us because were one of the same and the family u were only let to know couldn't be anything like u muchless understand u or help you in what only gifted people do! But as usual u let the life of lies and brain washing continue and everything with your Daddy is ruined again! I understand u to a T! You need your dad bad and will never realize it until it's too late or your ruined to the max and you seem to be there? You don't understand it just makes me care for you more and hurts me even more as again you all miss understand me and they have turned into I'm a bad thing. Can't u see jealousy and guilt and out to save face ringing throughout your head and even on loud speakers going off?? My one sheep lost it's way Bad and I keep leaving my heard to try to get it home safely! As long as I know it's out there,  messed up I can never rest or be at peace! Only you can cause me to be now forever more! Come my lost one who lost its way! Love Daddy & brother!"

-March 1, 2013 8:31AM

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