Friday, March 15, 2013

You have so much to learn!

Email from Dad: 

Subject: Your brother's B day! 

"You all Never knew why or was mislead by your mom of why guys never showed up for birthdays! When are you going to realize just how much Penny has messed up every drop of your emotions and correct way you should think & be towards your family She has kept you from knowing and causing not only disconnect but flat out ruined your brain against us! I could Never cause that especially by saying one word! We love and care for you with all out hearts, me since you were born and your brother since meeting you and realizing he has a (Only One) sibling, he emulates you and you only miss everything about him. We/I Never missed one thing of your I wasn't PREVENTED from going to you but you said how horrible fathers are for doing that but you do it. You don't know why they did it to you and your sister that you know for a huge fact it was all your moms fault with me and probably had a ton to do with the others as No Man wants to go near a woman that ruins there spirit every time they come near or even hear! You can't say that never happened a lot! I seen what Madison wrote about how your mom was to her dad all her life until I came, hmm I wonder what made her change. Grow up, take it as it Really is/was, blow it off and start over and right this time!! You know how bad your mom can be to men or you really think it's ok to do for the right reason? There is Never a good reason for any of it Ever if you know what are the right moral things are? You have so much to learn! When you think you know it all is when you know nothing and never learn another thing and it's all down hill from there! No matter who you are inside I'll always care a lot for you and your well being that it will drive me nuts as long as you act nuts like you are. You say calm down but say and do what is the worst most upsetting things you ever could say so how can I??? HOW? You Cause it then it can only be You to stop it, how do you not get it or make it that way so you can make up reasons for my actions that are never the truth to you causing it. Until you have a caring bone in your body and not ruthless and cruel with what you say that you know hits my biggest nerve that coincides with exactly with what your mom said then we can never talk, never see each other, I can never look at your picture! You do it on purpose but how could you ever think I could ever just go away/dump my kidnapped child she messed up deeper than the ocean? If I can't save you then I have to die trying! Your only ruining things for a life time or let your mom cause you to is more like it, you just don't get anything? If you don't your life is going down the tubes as no moral fiber can live in a life like that means no good can ever come out it or have good last for any length of time because the question will follow you for life! Where is your dad and family, why is he not and the only thing you can ever say is a lie, how long can you make that out to being a no feeling thing. We all grow more feelings as we grow older unless your so rooted in denial you will end up a drug addict. I know all about you, did soon after meeting you but the lies and crap going on and you never letting me talk took a horrible toll on me as I seen her take you strait to hell with her if you don't beg God for forgiveness and then me next. I'll do anything for you, be the most understanding dad you ever meet if need be but you don't want it from a life of brain washing to save face. Didn't she sound funny every time I'd say something she would all of a sudden knew something that she never said before that conflicted? Didn't the DNA test Prove beyond a shadow of a doubt your mom was a horrific liar and Everything I said fell into place making me the Only one telling you the truth in your life and then you run to her believing every lie and sarcastic tale there after hurting me beyond my limits and stressed out I could never think strait by the time we did talk. I never wanted to talk about your mom but you made everything have everything to do with everything you said that was so cruel and flat out the wackiest way of thinking I can't believe even you who wants to believe all she says could even come close to really believing even one drop of it. God help you and I pray for all of you really bad, all of you really need it! Love Dad always! No matter how bad you could get no one, even you can keep me from loving you my child, you need it!"

-March 11, 2013 10:52PM

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